Abbreviations .................................. 4
Practical lesson 1 Hygienic assessment of drinking water quality ...................5
Practical lesson 2 Hygienic assessment of the microclimate in medical and educational organizations, residential premises........... 15
Practical lesson 3 Hygienic assessment of the light regime in medical and preventive and educational organizations ............... 25
Practical lesson 4 Hygienic assessment of noise in classrooms ................... 34
Practical lesson 5 Medical control over the adequacy of nutrition in medical and educational organizations ................................... 41
Practical lesson 6 Nutritional value and sanitary examination of basic foodstuffs......................... 54
Practical lesson 7 Medical control over the organization of nutrition in medical-preventive organizations .......................63
Practical lesson 8 Hygienic requirements for the placement, layout, equipment and sanitary and anti-epidemic regime of medical and pharmacy organizations .......... 70
Practical lesson 9 Organization of radiation safety in X-ray rooms and when working with open and closed radiation sources ......... 79
Practical lesson 10 The main indicators of the health status of children and adolescents .......... 97
Practical lesson 11 Methods of assessing the physical development of children and adolescents ........... 101
Practical lesson 12 Hygienic assessment of the lesson schedule ......... 115
Practical lesson 13 Methods of studying the influence of the educational process on the body of students ........... 120
Practical lesson 14 Quality of life assessment ............. 131
Estimated means ............. 138
Literature................. 145
The study manual has been prepared in accordance with the federal state standards of higher education. It is intended for students of medical and pharmaceutical specialties, as well as for university teachers who provide the study of this discipline. Study Guide can be used by students during training sessions and independent work. Recommended for publication by the Scientific Council of the Institute of Medical Education NovSU (Protocol № 7 of 30.08.2024).