§ 1. Subject and content of hygiene. History of development…………..………5
§ 2. Environment and public health……………………………………….…..10
§ 3. Scientific foundations of hygienic regulation……………………….……13
§ 4. Air hygiene…………………………………………………………..……15
§ 5. Hygiene of water and water supply in populated areas…………………...23
§ 6. Soil hygiene and sanitary cleaning of populated areas………………..…..28
§ 7. Weather, climate and human health…………………………………..…...37
§ 8. Hygienic problems of cities. Home hygiene………………………...…….42
§ 9. Nutrition and public health………………………………………………...49
§ 10. Human ecology (medical ecology)……………………………………….68
§ 11. Occupational hygiene and health protection of workers…………………80
§ 12. Hospital hygiene…………………………………………………….……91
12.1 Hygiene of medical and preventive organizations………………….…….92
12.2 Healthcare associated infections (HAI)………………………………….106
12.3 Catering for patients in medical organizations…………………………..113
12.4 Occupational hygiene of medical workers of various specialties and personnel of pharmacy organizations………….…118
§ 13. Environment and health of children and adolescents…………………..126
§ 14. Scientific Basis for a Healthy Lifestyle…………………………………147
Basic Terms and Definitions……………………………………………...…..150
References and Regulations………………………………………..…………177
The study manual has been prepared in accordance with the federal state standards of higher education. It is intended for students of medical and pharmaceutical specialties, as well as for university teachers who provide the study of this discipline. Study Guide can be used by students during training sessions and independent work. Recommended for publication by the Scientific Council of the Institute of Medical Education NovSU (Protocol № 10 of 27.12. 2021).